IEVA ZDANOVICA is psychologist, yoga and meditation teacher.

Provides lectures, workshops and private consultations about healthy lifestyle, personal development and relationships.

Lectures, workshops and private consultations focus on:

• Self-realisation

• Mindfulness, meditation

• Gratitude and acceptance

• Self-awareness and self-love

• Managing stress, anxiety, anger

• Improving relationships and personality skills

• Balancing emotions and letting go of fears, resentment


Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course of 200 hours with teachers: Dr. Janne Kontala, Jani Jaatinen, Masley Yahya, Emma Paukku, Gustavo Dauster.



Basics of prenatal yoga

Breathing techniques (Pranayama)

Alignment of the asanas and Basics of anatomy

Contraindications for yoga practices and preventing injuries in yoga

Bachelor’s Degree of Biology and Psychology


FIRST YEAR: Physiology, Developmental Psychology, Research Methods and Statistics, Cognitive Psychology

SECOND YEAR: Nutrition and Dietetics, Biotechnology, Immunology

Thinking and Reasoning, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Intelligence and Personality, Psychology and the Brain, Social Psychology.

THIRD YEAR:academic placement year in Health Education teacher’s assistantship.

Identifying health risk behaviour that may be damaging to a person’s health such as sleep importance, nutrition, physical activity, stress, addictions, etc.

FOURTH YEAR: Human Physiology, Bioethics, Immunology

dissertation: “Which diet works better for managing Diabetes: Low Carbohydrates Diet, Very Low Calorie Diet or Intermittent Fasting?”.

Cognitive and Social Psychology, Health Psychology, Neuropsychology, Attention, Mind and Brain, Developmental Psychology, Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Psychology of Allergic Conditions

Dissertation: “Does Sleep Deprivation affect Working Memory?”.

Master‘s Degree of Health and Social Psychology


Self-regulation: limiting bad habits, balancing emotions, diet.
Applied Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Bad habits: learnt how (un)healthy and (un)wanted behaviours develop and endure. Reviewed various types of bad habits in the broad sense of the word and learnt how these are acquired, including addictive behaviours, excessive eating, and risky sexual behaviour.

Manipulation. Focus on techniques and strategies to influence other people’s opinions, judgments and behaviour.

Planning Behaviour Change. Introduction a process for creating behavioural change programmes (Intervention Mapping)

The topic of dissertation: “To what level do university students suffer from stress and what is the role of personal and academic factors in relation to stress?”

I analysed the underlying mechanisms of unhealthy or antisocial behaviour using recent theories and models from various psychological disciplines. I used this knowledge to set up behaviour-change programmes. Learnt how people’s personalities, cognition and social environment influence their health and social functioning.